I made my own ultimate version that solves the problems of doujin board games.

Poineko has made the ultimate version of ZEN Tile Basic.

This is a reworking of a doujin board game that visualizes how you feel in a day.

2020–05–24 22:04:59 ぽいねこ@poinekoDX

Thinking about the ultimate ZEN tiles?

Ultimate Version

ZEN Tile Reverse (variant)
A new version of ZEN Tile Reverse (variant).
Reverse function
When you flip a white “heal” tile over, it becomes a black “tire” tile. This allows you to express good and bad without having to place them upside down.
Equipped with mini pictogram
Even if you can’t read, it’s easy to imagine.

I bought this at Daiso.
Glass tiles, monotone x 2, 200 yen
Drill that can engrave on glass 300 yen
Correction fluid, oil-based pen, and 2 AAA pens from home
I haven’t bought the glue yet.
I think I might be able to make it for roughly 600 yen.

Super compact version

I tried to make a super compact zen tile, but the characters I could write were limited by the 100-yen drill. The best size is about 2 x 2 cm, so you can feel the weight.

More expensive than the original

This is a higher-grade version than the basic ZEN tiles, which are made of glass and inked, so you don’t have to worry about the letters rubbing off like with printing.

2020–05–25 13:58:51 ぽいねこ@poinekoDX

I’ve only made two tiles. I’ll make more when I have time.

This has nothing to do with ZEN tiles, but I’ve been thinking about a game using tiles with a Chinese character on them for a while. I wanted to make a game just like this. So I bought the ZEN tiles as a hint.

As it turns out, it’s a good thing that I found out that I can engrave tiles and make tiles at Daiso. I’ll be able to make a lot of things.


This article has been re-edited based on a tweet about ZEN tiles.
Thank you to everyone who tweeted about it.

This game is scheduled to on sale on Kickstarter.
You will experience mindfulness in this game.
ZENTiles is a game of Zen meditation from japan for 1–4 players.
You can find more information about the game at the link below.


